League Record: 1-4
Overall Record: 4-5
Team Batting Average: *
Team ERA: *
Current Status: Always a power player in Northwest Conference baseball, the Trojans are having to go at it this year with many new varsity players. Senior Dylan Hickok and junior Ryan Johnson brought back the most experience, and have both played well in the field, on the mound and at bat. Junior Art Madrigal is a magician with the glove, and has been an extremely good leadoff hitter. A finger injury to sophomore Zack Loya hurts the team, but his return could come just in time as Meridian will be in a battle in the 1A ranks. Freshman Bryce Johnson has also been a pleasant surprise. Coach Steve Slesk is one of the very best around, and his team will always give 100% effort.
*The Meridian baseball team has asked not to post stats during the season.