Top 50 Fastpitch Players of 2024 – #5 – Emersyn Bakker

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2024 Batting Stats:

At Bats: 61
Runs: 14
Hits: 19
Doubles: 7
Triples: 1
Home Runs: 3
Runs Batted In: 25
Stolen Bases: 0
Batting Average: .311
Walks: 18
Strikeouts: 21
Slugging Percentage: .607
Hit By Pitch: 1
On Base Percentage: .475
On Base + Slugging (OPS): 1.082


2024 Pitching Stats:

Wins: 14
Losses: 7
Saves: 0
Innings Pitched: 124
Hits: 79
Runs: 50
Earned Runs: 35
Walks: 82
Strikeouts: 218
ERA: 1.98
WHIP: 1.30


*Stats are subjective, and are gathered from multiple coaches, score keepers and my own stat keeping.